Schlagwort: Lieblingsmusik
Die beste Musik aller Zeiten!!!!!!1111elf 🤘😍
Burden Of Life – Sealing Our Fate
See the once so arrogant pray for mercy
The once so careless care for once
Your apprehension’s obsolete
The overdue goodbye so bittersweetAnother dance around the graves of our fathers
Another shovelful of earth out the graves of our sons
This is the generation sealing the fate
It is time to deteriorateDeteriorate
3:49 f. 🤘😍
Verikalpa – Viimiseen Asti (Live)
2:11 ff. 🤘😍
Verikalpa – Viimiseen Asti
1:52 ff. 💃🕺 🤘
Blackbriar – Stone Cold Body
I like my showers burning hot to compensate warmth and love
I let the water embrace me and heat up my stone cold body
I like my showers burning hot to compensate warmth and love
I let the water embrace me and heat up my stone cold body
3:06 ff. 💃🕺 🤘
Blackbriar – Madwoman In The Attic
There are two sides to every story
Do you want to hear my version of the allegory?
I used to be
Beautiful and enigmatic
Now they call me the madwoman in the attic
Well, I sure as hell am mad
0:44 ff. 💃🕺 🤘
Mgła – Exercises In Futility I
And I don’t even remember which brink is which
3:20 ff. 🤘🤘🤘
Lunar Shadow – Frozen Goddess
2:07f 💃🏻🕺 🤘😍
Lunar Shadow – Pretend
2:19f ❤️🤘
Lunar Shadow – Catch Fire
0:44 f. 🤘🤘🤘